What Can I Expect from a Dental Extraction?


Saving a damaged tooth is always our top priority at Great Lakes Dentures and Implants. However, there are times removing a tooth is our only option to maintain your healthy smile. If you require a tooth extraction, you can count on Dr. McGuire and his team for outstanding, gentle care. 

Why Would a Tooth Need Extraction?

The following are some reasons why Dr. McGuire may recommend extracting a damaged tooth: 

Extensive Decay: Tooth decay, left untreated, can eat away at the tooth enamel, leaving the affected tooth weak and brittle. As the condition progresses, it can lead to an infection, intense pain, and swelling. If the tooth cannot be repaired with any of our restorative options, we may have no choice but to extract it. 

Periodontal Disease: Periodontal or gum disease left untreated can destroy the bone and tissue holding the teeth in place. Once a tooth has lost its support, it is usually impossible to save. Extracting the affected tooth may be the only option to safeguard your oral health. 

Trauma: A tooth that sustains trauma and cannot be repaired may need to be extracted. Otherwise, you may be at risk of infection, pain, and many oral health complications. 

Overcrowding: Selective tooth extraction is often required as a component of an orthodontic treatment plan. It allows us to create the room needed for the remaining teeth to move into alignment.

Tooth Impaction: Having a tooth impacted or trapped in the jaw, as is often the case with wisdom teeth, can lead to a host of oral health complications, including decay, infection, and pain. Impacted teeth typically require extraction to prevent dental health problems down the road.

What Can You Expect from a Dental Extraction?

If you require a tooth extraction, we would like to reassure you that our local anesthetics, sedation dentistry options, and gentle techniques will ensure the process is comfortable and free of stress. Your well-being is always our topmost priority. 

There are two types of extraction procedures, simple and surgical. Simple extractions are required to remove easily accessible teeth that are visible above the gum line. Surgical extractions, on the other hand, are needed to remove weak, impacted, or broken teeth or teeth with long, curved roots. Most patients report little to no discomfort during the procedure. 

Depending on the location of the extracted tooth, Dr. McGuire may recommend a tooth replacement option, such as a dental implant, dental bridge, or partial denture. That will help reduce the risk of complications from leaving a gap in your smile.

How Can You Promote Post-Extraction Healing?

We will prescribe pain medication for use as needed. Make sure to follow our post-extraction care instructions carefully to promote healing. 

A blood clot will start forming in the socket as soon as the tooth is pulled out. Avoid smoking, spitting, drinking through a straw, or spitting forcefully for at least 24 hours. Otherwise, you risk dislodging the clot, which may lead to a painful condition known as dry socket. 

If you experience increased bleeding, pain, or swelling at the extraction site, or if you have any concerns, contact our office for guidance.  

Tooth Extraction near Me in Plainwell, MI

If you have a painful or damaged tooth, contact Great Lakes Dentures and Implants today. If a tooth extraction is your only viable option, you are in good hands. Dr. McGuire’s extensive skill, experience, and gentle approach to dentistry will ensure you have a positive and stress-free experience. We invite you to call us at 269-888-6686 to schedule your appointment or request one online today!