Dental Bridge or Crown – Which Restoration Is Right for You?

Are missing or damaged teeth interfering with your ability to chew, speak clearly, or smile? Dental bridges and crowns are two popular options for restoring your smile, each serving a unique purpose. Your trusted team at Great Lakes Dentures and Implants is committed to helping you regain your smile’s function and aesthetics! 

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped “caps” that encase the visible portions of weak or damaged teeth. They are custom-made to match your smile, restoring the tooth’s structure and aesthetic appearance.

Dr. McGuire may recommend a dental crown for the following reasons: 

  • To repair a tooth with extensive damage due to deep decay
  • To restore a tooth with a large filling 
  • To protect a tooth after root canal therapy
  • To relieve pain and discomfort resulting from a tooth crack
  • To replace one or more missing teeth by covering a dental implant or supporting a dental bridge
  • To correct small gaps or uneven spaces between teeth
  • To improve the color, size, shape, and overall appearance of a tooth

What Are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges are fixed restorations that bridge gaps left by one or more neighboring teeth. A dental bridge consists of one or several false teeth known as pontics anchored to crowns placed on natural teeth or implants on either side of the gap. 

Dental bridges offer many benefits, including the following: 

  • They look just like your natural teeth.
  • They help you chew, speak, and smile with confidence.
  • They prevent the neighboring teeth from shifting toward the gap.
  • They lower the risk of complications of missing a tooth, including periodontal disease and TMJ pain.
  • They enhance your oral health. 

Which Restoration Is Right for You?

When determining the best option for repairing your smile, we carefully consider the extent of damage or tooth loss. A dental crown may be ideal for restoring one or several damaged teeth to their natural strength and function. If, however, you have missing teeth or ones damaged beyond repair, a dental bridge may be the more suitable option.

The health of surrounding teeth is another important factor. Dental bridges rely on adjacent teeth for support, and their viability depends on the strength and health of these supporting teeth. If you are missing a tooth and the neighboring teeth are healthy and strong, a bridge can be a successful option. If, however, the adjacent teeth are compromised, a crown placed on an implant might be a more effective solution to restore your smile.

Both dental bridges and crowns can be crafted from a selection of materials, including porcelain, metal, or a combination of both. The material choice will depend on a number of factors, such as durability, aesthetics, and the location of the damaged tooth. Dr. McGuire will evaluate your unique needs and recommend the ideal solution to restore your smile’s health, function, and natural appearance.

Dental Bridges and Crowns Near Me in Plainwell, MI

Contact Great Lakes Dentures and Implants to learn more about dental crowns and bridges and determine the ideal restoration for your unique needs. Dr. McGuire and our dedicated team are committed to creating quality restorations that are carefully crafted to match your smile. We invite you to call us at 269-888-6686 or schedule your appointment online today!